Things are about to get Aquarian up in here really fucking fast – this is your last warning to take your seat belt off and put that tray back down – yeah, I said what I said. Take your notes about the future and toss them because they don’t apply anymore. All bets are off – it’s a free playing field out there and you’re gonna have to play it free.
At this point, the whole world is talking about the Great Conjunction at 00 Aquarius which takes place tomorrow on the Winter Solstice – they are mostly focused on the belief that the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in the sky may have been the Star of Bethlehem that heralded the birth of Christ but even that is worth exploring as an aspect of the Aquarian ideal that is starting to take form over our planet.
Let’s take a moment to view Christ – not as the major religions have framed him – but as he was, as the stories tell of him. He respected sex workers, he washed the lepers. He told his followers to feed the hungry, to care for the needy. Without the hype, he was a collectivist. That is the deep Aquarian energy that we are coming into.
If Saturn in Capricorn told us that if you love something, you need to hold on to it – Saturn in Aquarius tells us that if you love something, you need to let it go. Those things mean nothing if they aren’t free. I write that and immediately start singing the lyrics to “Bobby McGee” by famous Aquarian Janis Joplin (though her Sun was at 29 Capricorn, her Ascendant, Mercury, and Venus were in Aquarius).
Saturn in Aquarius has an even deeper lesson: letting go ain’t easy, not even for an Aquarius (haha especially for an Aquarius), and some things don’t come back. Even so “Nothin’, it ain’t nothin’ honey, if it ain’t free”.I have dubbed 2021 “The Great Unbinding.” We saw 8 out of 10 possible planets traverse the sign of Capricorn during 2020 and it shattered the world. Now, six of them will be in the sign of Aquarius during February of 2021.
I don’t say this to be fatalist, I think that this has the possibility of being an extremely positive thing – if ever we’ve needed a collectivist visionary to lead us into the future, it is now. (I for one would really like to be a New Zealander about now – can New England just fall off the map and head down there? I’m okay with both the Summer and the volcanoes!)
I’ve been saying for a while that the energy of the Great Conjunction was likely to pull the agreement of a stimulus check to it – giving money to the people is a very Aquarian ideal. Turning the repeated use of stimulus checks into a Universal Basic Income, now that’s a beautiful thing to dream about.
Dreaming big – that’s where Jupiter enters the picture. Jupiter conjunct Saturn reminds us that what you focus on grows. Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius is a green light to focus on expansion and freedom for all people. This is deep visionary energy – the last time that so many planets were conjunct in Aquarius coincides with the Age of Enlightenment.
The energy of it is so expansive that it’s hard to even ground down into words. But what does it mean, for you? This is such big energy that is going to color the changes that we all know are coming – how it is going to affect your more personal life depends a lot on your natal chart and your personal level of awareness. You can cheat and look at what houses Aquarius occupies in your natal chart for some guidance.
But as above, so below. Even in our personal lives, expect to see some major reordering. After the constriction of Saturn in Capricorn these past three years, many things will want their space. Give it to them. Be as expansive as you think you can be – try to be more expansive than you think you can be.
As Venus enters Aquarius we’ll be reminded that Everybody needs more unconditional love, not less. In _The Art of Asking_ Amanda Palmer writes ““Conditional love is: I will only love you if you love me. Unconditional love is: I will love you even if you do not love me. It’s really easy to love passing strangers unconditionally. They demand nothing of you. It is really hard to love people unconditionally when they can hurt you.”
After the year that we’ve had (and for many after the years since 2017 when Saturn entered Capricorn that we have had), it may be really hard to imagine unconditional love right now. But if you are capable, heart-centered love energy will be amplified and expanded during 2021. Any way that you can live the Aquarian ideal will be amplified in 2021.
There are negatives to the Aquarian ideal like there are to all things but I’m not going to focus on them. Because, as I said, what we focus on grows.