Saturn, the great restrictor, rounds out his stay in Capricorn today before transitting into Aquarius late this evening. This is a big energy shift – Saturn has been in the sign of Capricorn since 2017 – some big energy that has built up from 2017 is going to release in the coming days, weeks, and months ahead.
If you have the time and mental space for it, now is a great moment to contemplate your life from 2017-now. Saturn (along with Jupiter which also transits into Aquarius next week, if you are counting) is considered to be a “Social Planet” – the connection between the inner “Personal” planets to the outer “Generational” planets. Jupiter represents the need to expand and Saturn represents the need to withdraw – together they create the ebb and flow of our lives – the times for planting and the times when we need to go to ground and sit fallow for a while.
Saturn, in the transit of its native sign of Capricorn, has been a heavy dose of medicine these past three years. You have likely been forced to constrict and reexamine a particular aspect of your life starting in 2017 – something that isn’t working as intended no matter your best efforts (or not). What this is will of course be personal – you may or may not even see it or realize it depending on your own personal level of self-awareness – but a way to “cheat” is to look at your birth chart and see what house(s) Capricorn falls in.
Saturn is not subtle though so perhaps something happened in 2017 that rocked your world (most often for the worse) that you may still be dealing with even today despite all of your best efforts. With Saturn in Capricorn, it is likely something that you have tried to control – whether it be your thoughts, your emotions, or the actions of an/other. It also is likely to involve contracts of some kind – the more legally binding the better – so business, marriage, house ownership, things that have to do with long-term finance.
Things related to Saturn rarely feel good (unless you’re an emotional masochist) but the deep Saturnian lessons always lean towards the ideal that, if you do the work when the going gets tough, you will reap the greatest results.
Depending on your chart and your personal constitution, this period from 2017 to now may have been a really prolonged fallow period. You may have felt called to retreat deep within yourself – perhaps to do some deep emotional or physical healing. You may have been called to examine the structures in your life for weaknesses – Saturn reminds us all that it does not do to travel through life on a leaking boat. Saturn is the ultimate realist – he shines his light into the deep shadows of the soul – it is wise not to look away from the lessons he brings us.
As Saturn exits his home sign he asks us a few last questions:
- Where have I been working too hard but an/other has not been working hard enough?
- Where have I not been working hard enough?
- What doesn’t work for my Now that I am holding on to out of habit or fear?
- What can I let go of to be who I truly am?
- Who am I accountable to in my life and who is accountable to me? Is this exchange fair?
- Where have I put down boundaries that block me or an/other from experiencing my/their true life’s purpose?
- Where do I need better boundaries to keep myself on my own path?
- Am I in integrity with (the area of life represented by which house/s Capricorn falls in your natal chart)?