We’re coming in strong on the energy of the Cancer full moon now – grab yourself some comfy foods and a life raft (or maybe a blanket fort?) – things may be a bit bumpy over the next couple of days.
There is a lot of beautiful synchronicity at work in this full moon – Cancer is the 4th sign in the zodiac and with a Cancer full moon as the first lunar event of 2020 (on 1/10) and our last lunar event of the year (~10pm on 12/29) – our two Cancer full moons have been “4” themed bookends to our “4” numerologist year (2+0+2+0 =4).
Cancer is a sign of extremes – as often a raging tidal wave as soft and sweet life-giving water. Despite its cardinality, it is known for moving sideways towards its goals – what in your life have you moving sideways throughout 2020 that you should be more straightforward about in 2021? Where have you been washing everything away where a kinder, gentler hand (perhaps with a warm washcloth) would be a better touch? Where have you built a hard shell around yourself where it would be better to let something in?
You may see some themes come up from early January for revisiting – the Cancer full moon on 1/10 was a lunar eclipse and carried much more intense energy than our second revisiting, but it will be a second revisiting all the same.
All full moons have built-in opposition energy – we are revisiting the axis of Cancer-Capricorn which the lunar nodes recently cleared in June for more airy pastures. This may make this moon extra emotional, especially for those of us that have been on deep emotional journeys these past few months.
This is further aided by Chiron, the wounded healer, currently sitting in early Aries who is already forming a square to our Sun and Mercury who are transversing Capricorn. Come Tuesday, this will create a cardinal T-square between Sun in Capricorn, Chiron in Aries, and Moon in Cancer. Expect old pains – perhaps even from much earlier in your life – to arise for continued processing.
There is going to be an impulse to be in your emotions – As the ruler of the Moon, Moon in Cancer is only eclipsed for emotionality by Moon in Pisces. Pack some self-love and patience for yourself and let yourself feel your emotions without BEING your emotions. Draw yourself a bath and have a good cry to get it out, if you must, but keep in mind that The Great Conjunction is still in play and we are being asked to let go of what has hurt us, not hold on to it.
If you have ever sat on a beach and watched a crab hold onto something for dear life, you’ll know what I am referring to. Jupiter and Capricorn conjunct in Aquarius reminds us that it is only when you relax your death grip on the thing that you are convinced was your “everything” that you will gain a greater view and see how much more than that one thing you really have.
There is an element of letting go and trusting to this week – this month – to the coming year even. The more that you can get into that mindset and out of dysregulation and fear, the more that you will reap from the coming changes.