You will need: a bath, Epsom salt, a candle (white, blue, or yellow), meditation with wind sounds (easily found on YouTube) – bonus any air herbs or essential oils to add to you bath
1. Light the candle, turn on the meditation music, and draw yourself a bath
2. Add in salt and any air essential oils/herbs you want to include (I suggest lavender)
3. When soaking, do a body scan – is there any place that feels out of alignment or needs healing energy?
4. Begin to breathe deeply in tune with the sound of the wind – as you breathe in, feel the cold November wind enter your body. Let it move around inside of you, let it find those stuck spots, and blow away all blockages. You can visualize this as white or blue light. You can visualize how it feels to stand outside being buffeted by winds – let it take away anything that is bothering you. Anything that you no longer need.
5. Continue this meditation as long as needed or until you feel complete.
6. Soak for as long as you like.
For extra oomph, you could burn a good air incense or perform this ritual during the hour of Mercury
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